Arizona Ministry Network


Grow Digital Conference 2020

Grow Digital Conference 2020

An online conference for ALL Kid's Ministry Leaders and Team Members!
Kids ministry looks different than ever before and for that reason Grow Kidmin Conference 2020 will look different than ever before! Completely digital, it is more than a conference, but an online resource library to help you grow your team, your creativity, and your skills in kidmin. With your registration, you will get access to the live event on October 10th as well as access to further resources and more! Choose the registration option that works best for you and your team of kids ministry leaders.

Individual: $30
-Stream the event on October 10th
-Access to the workshops on October 10th
-Access to resource library all year long
Group Rate: $80
-Registration for your entire group!
-Stream the event on October 10th
-Access to ALL workshops October 10th and all year long!
-Access to resource library all year long
-Free curriculum and bonus resource
-Entered into giveaways


9:30 - General Session 1 w/Jim Wideman & 2911 Worship
11:00 - Group Discussion
11:15 - Workshops
12:00 - Lunch break
1:00- General Session 2 w/Kirstyn Rempel & 2911 Worship
1:30 - Live Q&A Zoom w/Jim Wideman
2:30 - Giveaways, Prayer, and Goodbye!
10/10/2020 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
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Jasmine Miller